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December 5th, 2018

Don’t Get Burned by the Summertime Blues, Make Sure Your Cell Phone is Protected

Asurion Data Proves that June, July and August are the Most Dangerous Months for Cell Phones

Asurion, the global leader in technology protection services, announced today that more phones are lost, stolen or damaged in July than any other month, followed closely by June and August. In fact, the Fourth of July is the second most dangerous holiday of the year for cell phones, with a nearly 50 percent spike in claims filed after the holiday. After months of cold weather and being cooped up indoors, Asurion is reminding consumers to protect their cell phones to avoid any summer bummers.

“Every summer we see a tremendous spike in the number of claims filed for lost, damage or stolen phones,” said Bettie Colombo, spokesperson for Asurion.  “People are outdoors, active and using their mobile phones to capture the summer enjoyment and stay connected with friends and family.”

Asurion recently surveyed consumers to learn a little more about how they use their mobile devices, other than talking and texting.  The survey found that 30 percent of people use their phones to take their vacation photos. In addition, 72 percent of people use their device to listen to music while at the pool or beach. With consumers relying so heavily on their phones to provide entertainment and capture their most precious summer moments, not only will battery life deplete quicker, but their activities will keep them away from a phone charger.  A cell phone battery dying has caused 16 percent of people to experience a major travel disruption.

“Mobile phone protection purchased through your wireless provider protects the investment customers make in devices against loss, theft or damage, including liquid damage,” said Colombo. “People don’t usually think about the possibility of their phone taking an accidental dip in the pool, being pummeled by a rogue wave at the beach or being dropped on the trail, but those accidents happen all the time. Adding protection when they purchase a phone provides customers with peace of mind knowing their device is protected no matter where life takes them this summer, while saving them from the high retail cost they could be stuck paying when replacing a phone under contract.”

With Asurion products, if a customer’s phone is lost, stolen or damaged, Asurion will replace it, typically the next day, while saving the customer money.  Research shows that a majority of consumers think that replacing a device costs only $50 to $99, when in reality, replacing a brand new smartphone can cost on average $476. Asurion data also shows that 80 percent of all cell phone incidents occur within the first twelve months of purchase, so customers shouldn’t think twice about protecting their most loved gadget.

About Asurion

As the world’s leading tech care company, Asurion eliminates the fears and frustrations associated with technology, to ensure our 300 million customers get the most out of their devices, appliances and connections. We provide insurance, repair, replacement, installation and 24/7 support for everything from cellphones to laptops and household appliances. Our experts are available online, on the phone, at one of our more than 700 stores, or can even come to you.